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tv   Early Start With John Berman and Christine Romans  CNN  April 9, 2015 1:00am-2:01am PDT

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the police officer caught on camera shooting an unarmed black man fired. body cameras now ordered for the police force as the witness who captured the shooting on his phones explained what else happened. guilty on all charges. we have the latest from court. and a new scandal for the
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secret service. the secret service already rolling in scandals over the past year. >> this is a new one. >> welcome to "early start." i'm christine romans. >> i'm john berman. it is 4:00 a.m. in the east. new this morning, changes in a south carolina city in the wake of a police officer's arrest on murder charges. among the changes, the mayor promises to outfit every officer with a body camera. the city now fired michael slager as he sits in a cell waiting a hearing. scott was shot after he ran away after a traffic stop. slager said scott tried to grab his tazer, but this shows slager firing eight shots as scott tried to flee. the man who took that video stepped forward telling nbc news what happened the moments before he started recording.
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our jason carroll is in south carolina with the latest. >> reporter: john and christine, feidin santana said he was on the way to work and he spotted slager and scott and a struggle. he said the minute the two hit the ground he pulled his cell phone and started recording. >> they were down on the floor. they were down on the floor before i started recording. they were down on the floor. i remember the police officer had control of the situation. he had control of scott. scott was trying to get away from the taser. the taser, you can hear the sound of the taser. >> reporter: scott's family calling santana a hero for coming forward and sharing video. someone else speaking out on behalf of santana is the city's mayor. the mayor and police chief faced
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an angry crowd during a press conference. specifically when they were questioned about something that happened after the shooting. a question about whether or not the officer's performed cpr on scott. listen to what happened when the police chief was questioned about that. >> in the end of it what i saw was a, i believe to be a police officer, removing the shirt of the individual and performing some type of life-saving, but i'm not sure what took place. >> you don't know if cpr was performed? >> i was told that they tried to save his life. >> reporter: the police chief unable to answer questions about the officer's taser. where was it? the video seems to show at least the family believes the video shows slager trying to plant that taser next to scott's body. the police chief unable to answer that question when pressed on that particular
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subject. certainly that is what scott's family believes. they said as painful as it is to see that video, they say they are very grateful that this young man came forward and presented the video to them and investigators. christine, john. >> jason, thanks. the mother of the shooting victim walter scott, says she forgives michael slager for killing her son. a woman of deep religious faith. she tells anderson cooper she believes slager tried to make it look like scott grabbed his taser. she has seen the video of the shooting but could not watch it to the end. >> i couldn't really watch the whole tape. when i saw my son running and i saw the police man behind him, i couldn't take it. i had to turn away.
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i couldn't handle it. the policeman is supposed to protect the people. not try to frame them or get out of what they have done wrong. they are supposed to be honest people. protecting us. >> we are learning more this morning about former michael slager. officials say slager's wife is eight months pregnant. the 33-year-old slager has two stepchildren. personnel records show slager like walter scott, served in the u.s. coast guard. after joining the police department slager was highly proficient it taser use. the jury found dzhokhar
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tsarnaev guilty on all counts. he stood with his head bowed and hands clasped. we have alexandra field with more details from the courtroom. >> reporter: this is the moment that so many people waited so long for. nearly two years they waited to hear the verdict. now 30 counts dzhokhar tsarnaev found guilty in each and every one of them. he strode into the court as each was read out loud. he looked at his hands, he looked down he looked at his attorney by his side. no outward show of emotion which is typical for him throughout the trial. 12 jurors deliberated for just under 12 hours before arriving at the verdict. 11 of the jurors did not seem to look at the defendant. did not want to make eye contact. they kept their eyes forward looking at the judge and clerk. one juror was trying to get a closer look at dzhokhar tsarnaev but that juror would
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not see any outward sign from him. a lot of people were in the courtroom to hear the verdict. survivors of the bombing. the gravity of the situation, could you feel it in the courtroom. people sat still. a few dabbing tears away from their eyes. no large expressions of emotion. people just sort of listening in and wanting to hear every word. wanting to hear every word guilty. we heard from survivors who came out after the verdict was read they did not have a sense of closure, but this is a piece of the puzzle. this trial is not over yet. the 21-year-old's life is now in the hands of the jury. the penalty phase which jurors will consider the death sentence could begin as early as next week. christine. john. >> alexandra, thanks for that.
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survivors of the boston marathon bombing sharing their reaction. >> i don't believe there will ever be justice brought to this no matter if he gets the death penalty or he remains in prison for the rest of his life. i do believe however that he should be held accountable for his actions and i'm very thankful for each of the jury members that are making him do that. >> i don't know what justice is. i'm grateful to have him off the street. i'm grateful to show everyone the world, that it's not tolerated. this is not how we behave and we are grateful that everybody worked hard to make it known we will not allow this. >> a massachusetts governor not holding back. he said dzhokhar tsarnaev deserves to be executed for the crimes he committed. breaking overnight.
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secret service superior has been placed on administrative leave following allegations of sexual assault. a female agent is alleging that they made quote unwanted sexual advances after the pair returned to the office from a party on march 31st. the secret service says appropriate action was taken and it is under investigation. the white house could announce intent to remove cuba from the state sponsor of terrorism list. the state department recommending that since it has not provided support to terrorist groups in the last six months. congress will have 45 days to vote or block it. president obama is in jamaica this morning. he has visited the bob marley museum. it's true. he did. this is the first leg of the journey that takes him to historic meeting of 48 caribbean
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nations. he will head to the summit of the americas in panama. top officials say security against terrorism tops the agenda. i don't think he sang it. time for an early start on your money. u.s. stock futures -- it's early. trying to inject a little enthusiasm. stocks rose a bit yesterday thanks to the federal reserve. the fed has a lot of concerns about the american economy. the strong dollar stunting economic growth. sluggish wage growth. interest rate hike could come later than expected. stocks love the fed's easy money. the third longest bull run in history. half of americans are not invested in the stock market. 52% of americans are not in stocks, including 401(k).
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most say they don't have the money to invest. that's why so many people haven't been able to enjoy the record run because they have been on the sidelines. the u.s. and iran are making duelling sides of war in yemen. secretary of state john kerry is on the record with a new message to iran. we are live after the break.
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the rest is up to you. call now, request your free [decision guide] and start gathering the information you need to help you keep rolling with confidence. go long™. ♪ happening this morning, secretary of state john kerry issuing a blubt warning to iran. it won't stop the u.s. with siding with saudi arabia against iranian backed rebels in yemen. iran is deploying the navy off the coast of yemen. the u.s. has been tracking iran iranian supply flights into yemen. >> we are well aware of the support that iran has been giving yemen. iran needs to recognize that the
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united states is not going to stand by while the region is destabilized. >> for the latest on the crisis in yemen, correspondent nic robertson is standing by in southern saudi arabia. good morning, nic. this is a complicated position. the united states trying to sell the nuclear framework with iran and watching iran act not in the best interest of u.s. interests and interests of u.s. allies and others in the middle east. >> reporter: the president rouhani saying as far as the deal goes, iran wants all sanctions lifted before agreeing to anything. so that is setting out a tough position there. then he goes on to talk about the situation in yemen. he said that iran supports talks that the fighting should stop to end the civilian suffering in
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yemen. we know from the u.n. over an500 people held over 300 civilians. the iranian president goes to say the future of yemen should be decided by the yemeni people. implying saudi arabia should get out of the affairs of yemen. officials and foreign minister saying that iran has been supplying and supporting the houthis with weapons. we heard from the saudi military spokesman yesterday laying out the military position on iranian war ships moving in to waters off the coast of yemen. he said they have every right to be in international waters. they cannot come close to the border of yemen because that is controlled by the coalition forces. you know you have from what we can hear and understand from the political language a real
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deepening positions here. the foreign minister of united arab emirates says this is not a sectarian war, but iran expansion of interests across the borders. that is what secretary kerry is wanting iran not to do in this situation. >> very very complicated stuff. thanks nic robertson. verdict watch in the aaron hernandez murder trial. the jury deliberated for nine hours on wednesday. they asked for a list of more than 400 exhibits in the case and clarification on one of the weapon possession charges. the ex-football star is accused of killing his friend odin lloyd in 2013. real estate heir robert durst facing drug and gun charges. he was indicted for possessing a firearm without a permit.
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he is awaiting a murder charge in the execution-style death of his friend. a fourth new york city man indicted in an isis-inspired plot will face a judge today. dilkhayot kasimov raised money for friends to join isis. he encouraged others to engage in jihad. three of the codefendents pleaded not guilty. rand paul's presidential campaign hitting a few bumps in the road. he is taking criticism for his back and forth with savannah guthrie. he cut her off accusing her of editorializing. >> she was asking a question. >> asking a question of his positions changing over the years. especially over iran. he already claimed paul was con sending to kelly evans.
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he told her to calm down. he has been universally testy with men and women reporters. paul weighed in on the south carolina police shooting urging people not to jump to conclusions about all police officers because of the actions of one. >> when you look at police across our country, 98% of them are doing their job on a day-to-day basis and not doing things like this. i want to be careful we don't paint with a broad brush that all of our police are bad. i hope justice does occur, but i hope we don't paint it with such a broad brush. >> hillary clinton tweeting her thoughts saying praying for walter scott's family. heart breaking and too familiar. we can do better. rebuild trust, reform justice system. ted cruz building an impressive war chest for his
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presidential campaign. a network of four super pacs brought in 31$31 million. that sum reduces concerns about the senator's ability to compete. it can force other candidates to start fund raising big time now or at least their super pacs. no one expected him to pull in this much money this fast. $31 million in two weeks is real money. >> that pushing him off the sideline. >> people like jeb bush will raise more. $31 million is nothing to shake a stick at. he will compete financially for a long time. >> how many days until the election day? >> a lot. hundreds of millions of dollars stolen in a london jewel heist. you won't believe the tactics straight out of hollywood. police revealing who they are
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looking for. we are live after the break. in this one momen your baby is getting even more than clean. the scent, the lather, even the tiny bubbles of a johnson's® bath are helping to enhance the experience. the touch of your hands is stimulating her senses. nurturing her mind. and helping her development. so why just clean your baby when you can give her... so much more™? johnson's®. so much more™.
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we have new details this morning in a brazen elaborate $300 million jewelry heist that rocked london. investigators are trying to piece together how the thieves pulled this off. the tactics out of a hollywood or a british film thriller. cnn's phil black is live in london.
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phil, this was really amazing. >> reporter: elaborate and audacious. old school style heist in the heart of the diamond district of london. targeting the most secure location. underground vault filled with safe deposit boxes. the methodology was brilliant. smashing through the roof and going through floors and cutting their way through the secure doors and then start to get to the safe deposit boxes. they had a lot of time. this took place over the easter long weekend in london. that is a potential four-day weekend. by the time the break in was discovered whoever was responsible was long gone with whatever they scored in the vault. the police say 70 boxes were broken into out of potentially around 600. we don't know if they were
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chosen deliberately acting on information or chosen randomly. people used these boxes because they are an mondayonymousanonymous. it is possible we may never know the true value of the haul. most estimates put it in the millions. this is where the diamond traders store their stock. it is shaping up to be many believe the greatest crime in this area that it has known in its history. >> wow. phil black. thank you. >> i would say more james bond than hollywood. >> we give it credit. it has a british theme. new details about the day a police officer shot and killed unarmed black man walter scott. the witness who filmed it all is now sharing his story. that's next. so when i found out medicare doesn't pay all my medical expenses, i looked at my options.
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new information from the witness who filmed the police officer shooting and killing an unarmed black man. what he is now revealing about this shooting as the victim's mother tells cnn what she thinks about the man who kills her son. guilty of all charges, but will dzhokhar tsarnaev get life or death? and breaking overnight. a new secret service scandal revealed. a new one. we have details ahead. welcome back to "early start." i'm john berman.
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>> i'm christine romans. a south carolina city vowing to make changes in the wake of the police officer arrest on murder charges. among the exchange north charleston officials promising to outfit every officer with a body camera. the city also firing its officer michael slager as he sits in jail awaiting a bail hearing. on saturday slager shot and killed 50-year-old walter scott as scott ran away following a traffic stop. slager says scott tried to grab his taser, but this remarkable disturbing video shows slager firing eight shots at a retreat retreating scott from 25 feet away as scott was trying to flee. the man who shot the video is stepping forward and he tells nbc news what happened in the moments before he started recording. jason carroll is in south carolina with the latest. >> reporter: john and christine,
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feidin santana was on the way to work and that is when he spotted slager and scott and spotted a struggle. he said the two hit the ground and then he pulled out the cell phone and started recording. >> they were down on the floor. they were down on the floor before i started recording. they were down on the floor. i remember the police had control of the situation. he had control of scott. scott was trying to get away from the taser. the taser you know you can hear the sound of the taser. >> reporter: scott's family calling santana a hero for coming forward and sharing the video. someone else speaking out on behalf of santana is the mayor. the mayor and police chief faced an angry crowd during a press conference. specifically when questioned about something that happened after the shooting. a question of who or not the
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officers who performed cpr on scott. listen to what happened when the police chief was questioned about that. >> in the end of it what i saw was a, i believe to be a police officer, removing the shirt of the individual and performing some type of life-saving. i'm not sure what took place. >> you don't know if cpr was per performedper performed? >> i was told they tried to save his life. >> reporter: the police chief unable to answer questions about the officer's taser. where was it? the tape shows, the family believes it shows officer slager trying to plant that taser next to scott's body. the police chief unable to answer that question when pressed on that particular subject. certainly that's what scott's family believes. they said as painful as it is for them to see that video, they also say that they are very
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grateful that this young man came forward and presented the video to them and to investigators. christine, john. >> thanks jason. the mother of shooting victim walter scott says she forgives the police officer who shot and killed her son. a woman of deep faith, judy scott tells anderson cooper she has seen the video, but could not watch it until the end. although she does not hate the officer who fired the shots. >> i'm supposed to be really angry and upset and raging and all that. i can't. because of the love of god in me. i can't be like that. >> you don't feel that in your heart? >> no i don't. i feel forgiveness in my heart for the guy that shot and kill my son. >> you feel forgiveness? >> yes, for him. >> learning new details about
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former officer michael slager. officials say slager's wife is eight months pregnant. insurance will be paid for until the baby is born. slager has two stepchildren. slager like walter scott served in the coast guard after joining the police department in 2009, slager was proficient in taser use. the jury in the boston marathon case will weigh if dzhokhar tsarnaev should be executed after finding him guilty of all counts against him. the 21-year-old stood with his head bowed and hands clasped. we have alexandra field with more. >> reporter: christine, john, this is the moment that so many people waited so long for. nearly two years to wait to hear the verdict. now 30 counts dzhokhar tsarnaev
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found guilty. he strode into the courtroom. for the most part he looked down and looked at his hands and at his attorney. no outward show of emotion. that is typical for him throughout the trial. 12 jurors deliberated for just under 12 hours before arriving at the verdict. 11 of the jurors did not look at the defendant. did not want to make eye contact. they kept their eyes forward. one juror was trying to get a closer look at dzhokhar tsarnaev. that juror would not have seen any outward display or surprise from the defendant. a lot of people inside that courtroom to hear the verdict. family members of the victims killed in the case. surviveors of the bombing. the gravity of the situation in the courtroom. people sat still. a few dabbing tears away from
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their eyes. people just sort of listening to hear every word and that word guilty said over and over again. we heard from survivors who came out after the verdict. they said they did not have a sense of closure, but this is a piece of the puzzle for a lot of them. there is some sense of the justice for some of them. this trial is not over yet. the 21-year-old's life is in the hands of the jury. the penalty phase which jurors will consider the death sentence could begin next week. christine, john. thank you. survivors of the bombing are sharing their reaction to the guilty verdict. listen. >> i don't believe there will ever be justice brought to this no matter if he gets the death penalty or he remains in prison for the rest of his life. i do believe however that he should be held accountable for
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his actions. i'm very thankful for each of the jury members that are making him do that. >> i don't know what justice is. i'm grateful to have him off the street and i'm grateful to show everyone the world, that it's not tolerated. this is not how we behave and we're grateful that everybody's worked so hard to make it known we are not going to allow this. >> the governor of massachusetts charlie baker says tsarnaev deserves to be executed for the crimes he committed. a is secret service agent on administrative leave after a sexual assault. a manager in the clearance division made unwanted sexual advances and two returned from a party to the office on march of 31st. appropriate action was taken. the white house could
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announce as soon as today the intent to remove cuba from the state sponsor of terrorism list. the state department says cuba has not provided support to terrorism within the last six months. the white house wanted to make the announcement before the summit of americas next week. after that the congress has 45 days to vote. president obama is in jamaica on the first leg of the journey that takes it to historic meeting with 48 leaders of caribbean nations. he heads to the summit of americas in panama. he will meet with raul castro. terrorism and energy are top on the agenda of the issues to highlight. one of the president's first stops in jamaica, a tour of the bob marley museum. the former home of the reggae legend. calling for an end to transition therapy.
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the president condemned the practice which is aimed at making gay people straight. the white house started a petition in honor of a young girl who killed herself in december. time for an early start on your money. european and asian shares are higher. hong kong, seven year-for hong kong stocks. the federal reserves interest hike may be put off until september or later. the rich are getting richer. the top 400 taxpayers made $337 million on average in 2012. compare that to 220 million a year earlier. that is a big gain for the top tax households. they paid $56 million in taxes. 17% of their income. some paid less than 10%. that's not the rate that they're
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supposed to pay. loopholes? tax system? 16 volumes of that thing. rich people find ways to pay less taxes. >> rich people. war escalating in yemen. u.s. and iran taking opposing sides. this morning secretary of state john kerry with a new warnings to iran. we are live after the break.
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issuing a blunt warning to iran. efforts to negotiate a nuclear deal with iran will not stop the u.s. from siding with saudi arabia against iranian backed rebels in yemen. iran is deploying navy off the coast of yemen now. secretary kerry tells pbs that iranian supply flights has been tracked into yemen. >> we are aware of the support. iran needs to recognize that the united states is not going to stand by while the region is destabilized. >> for the latest on the crisis in yemen, let's turn to correspondent nic robertson in southern saudi arabia this morning. good morning, nic. >> reporter: good morning, john. we heard the president of iran president rouhani respond directly to what secretary kerry said. he said there should be talks.
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people should get around the peace table and begin talks to protect and save the plight of yemenis. over 300 of the 500 civilians have been killed. what he is also saying and this is where it starts to get difficult. he is saying the future of yemen should be decided by the yemeni people. that is a clear strike of saudi arabia because saudi arabia is leading the coalition to rid the country of the houthis or bring them to the negotiating table. iran sees saudi arabia as meddling in yemen. saudi arabia sees iran as meddling in yemen. certainly evidence secretary kerry talks about it. iranian giving support and aid to the houthis. the yemeni government believes it. the foreign minister was saying that yesterday. it adds to the complexity of the
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situation. for the people in aden and south of yemen where the fighting is hardest, a small note of relief for them. two medical supply vessels were able to get in and drop off medical equipment and two medical teams. even in that tiny city the real problem for people is getting to the hospitals. never mind the equipment to help them once they get there. >> how do you move? a lot of people caught in the middle. nic robertson, thanks. a fourth new york city man indicted in an isis inspired plot pleaded not guilty at a hearing wednesday. dilkhayot kasimov was trying to join the group and he encouraged others to engage in jihad. rand paul's presidential campaign hit a few bumps in the road. he is taking criticism for the
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back and forth with nbc's savannah guthrie. he accused her of editorializing when she asked about inn inconsistentcyies in the record. he has been accused of telling a report er last year and telling her to calm down. he has been universally testy with male and female reporters. >> has he been testy? >> he has. he doesn't like being asked questions by reporters. >> savannah said since 2007 your views on iran have clearly changed. he said that is editorializing. she said no that's a question. >> it is a long campaign. there are some people who dislike the media. when you are aggressive, sometimes it helps you. we will see how it plays out. the senator weighed in the south carolina police shooting. he is urging people not to jump
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to conclusions of officers because of the actions of one. >> i think when you look at - police across our country, 98% of them are doing their job on a day-to-day basis and not doing things like this. i want to be careful we don't paint with a broad brush that all of our police are bad. in this particular instance i hope justice occurs. i hope we don't paint it with such a broad brush. >> hillary clinton tweeted her thoughts about the shooting. saying quote praying for walter scott's family. heart breaking and too familiar. we can do better. rebuild trust, reform justice system and respect all lives. severe storms tearing through the midwest. it is not over yet. a real threat facing 90 million of you this morning. that's next.
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a wild spring weather it this morning. millions of people in the path of violent storms moving across the country. severe thunderstorms ripped through the midwest wednesday. look at this very large hail and heavy winds and flash flooding. this morning, residents left to pick up the pieces after a tornado tore through missouri. >> i thought the roof was going to come off. i could hear the hail popping.
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every once and a while, i looked out and went back to the bathroom. it was horrible. i could not see anything. i kept waiting for it to get done with. it was start in again. i looked out and i thought oh, my lord. >> wow. thousands still without power in missouri and illinois. >> the severe weather threat is now headed to the big cities. let's see where. meteorologist derek van dam is following it for us. >> good morning, john and christine. the same storm system responsible for the severe weather across the midwest today continuing to march east. we have a collision of two different air masses. warm air from the gulf and cool air from canada. upwards of 95 million people under the risk of severe weather. including large hail and damaging winds and possibility
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of isolated strong tornadoes. this includes chicago, detroit, cincinnati and south to nashville, little rock and outside of dallas. a storm system continuing to move east. high pressure will clear out the skies and make for a decent weekend across the midwest. including the chicago and detroit area. the radar shows heavy rainfall moving from illinois through wisconsin and parts of michigan and the ohio river valley. temperatures today will be rather cold for new york. 46 degrees for the daytime high. compare that to 86 in atlanta. back to you. >> not bad in atlanta. i'm so over it. you can tell me it will snow tomorrow and okay. i'm over it. 55 minutes past the hour. you may want to take a second look at the hummus sitting in your fridge. we will tell you why.
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time for an early start on your money. european and asian shares are higher. hong kong is a seven-year high. stock futures are lower. the fed reserve still has concerns about the american economy. we learned that with the last fed meeting. strong dollar stunting economic growth. sluggish wage growth. maybe an interest rate hike may come later. that fed game of predicting will continue for the next year. a big recall for one of the most popular hummus makers. sabra is recalling 30,000 cases of hummus because of potential listeria cases. it can cause fatal infections in
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children and elderly people. others suffer from naugssea. the fda is asking you to take a look at it and clear it out. "early start" continues right now. the police officer caught on camera shooting an unarmed black man has been fired. body cameras ordered for the entire police force as the witness explains what happened when the camera wasn't rolling. guilt why on all charges. jurors will decide if dzhokhar tsarnaev will spend the rest of his life in prison or the death penalty. the latest in court. breaking overnight. you will not believe it. a new scandal at the secret service. good morning. welcome to


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